For me, life is all about pleasure.

I am a self-confessed epicurean who loves to savor life. I wasn't always like this, but it was various traumas that made me realize how precious life is and that every minute should be savored.

One of the things that has really helped me with my sexuality and sensuality is curiosity. Indeed, I remember this first workshop with my teacher Jane who taught me that we had 12 orgasm points in the vagina ( ta yoni ). This curiosity drove my thirst to learn, to discover myself, and by discovering myself more, I exponentially increased my pleasure: alone and in relationships.


You may be in shock in mode:

The truth is that there are even more that I discovered later haha!

Question of helping you to have EXPONENTIAL sexuality or of offering it to your partner, I finally reveal to you, these are 12 secret points:


That is to say, energy is liberating. She gets outside and releases stress.


  • Sharp, short peak, electric, masculine, limited to the genital area
  • Creates contractions in the body
  • Unable to be hit in the area afterward
  • On the other hand, it causes a loss of vital energy. Don't stop if it's the only one you have. Pleasure is better for healing than no pleasure, especially after sexual trauma

Advice :

  • Avoid too much vibrator, because your yoni loses its sensitivity and becomes numb.

Entrance to the vagina


  • Place with concentration of nerve endings, very sensitive
  • This orgasm creates strong energy for the higher chakras and can even activate what is called Kundalini
  • Orgasm creates excitement and contraction of the perineum, tends to be physical, resulting in body tremors

U point – Urethra
Sensation that resembles the clitoris


In other words, energy is creative. It stays inside and rises upwards to create a feeling of expansion and release.



  • Brings lots of humidity, sweating, shaking, crying, laughing, screaming and even a fainting high.
  • There is a pleasure contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and pulsation of the yoni
  • This orgasm point can lead to powerful inner orgasms, remove accumulated trauma, blockages and improve sexual health

Obstacles to achieving orgasm:

  1. Physical tensions
  2. Emotional liberation
  3. Thoughts


Where is he ?

It is a rough, bumpy, spongy tissue located about 3-4 cm inside the yoni, below the pubic bone. When you make the movement of the finger indicating “come here” inside the vagina, you come right on top of its movement of excitement. It swells during excitement.


  • Liquid, juicy, perspiration, sweaty, wave feeling inside, wet, shaking, crying, yoni throbbing
  • Great release of energy, which can manifest itself as cramps in the hands (arms of the tyrannosaurus) and face.
  • Can create emotional release
  • This point can be painful in the event of major trauma and must be awakened with caution

Obstacles :

  1. Insensitivity
  2. Pain
  3. Feeling of urinating


Where is he ?

Fully deep in the cervix. It is located at the bottom of the vulva. We hold him in the doggy position or with his legs in the air. Size matters here, but the vagina is no more than 7 cm long


  • Point of maximum femininity.
  • Fire, laughter, full body orgasm, kundalini rising, waves of pleasure through the body
  • Emotional liberation: Sensation of complete liberation, you feel high, elsewhere, transformed and emerges a great feeling of love, unity, ecstasy.
  • The person with a female body can scream, tremble, experience a feeling of expansion, and even an astral experience.

Obstacle :

  1. Maybe very painful

A SPOT - ANTERIOR (See photo)

Sensation that resembles the G Spot and the same obstacles.

P SPOT - POSTERIOR (See photo)


  • It feels like having a finger up your butt. Exciting, but a feeling that seems strange to us, because it is similar to having a bowel movement.
  • Passing this barrier, this point will become really exciting.

Obstacles :

  1. Hypersensitivity
  2. Pain
  3. Feeling like you have a bowel movement


Sensation that resembles the cervix :)


It is often one of the orgasms that is still taboo in society.


  • There are many nerve endings inside and outside the uterus.
  • Is perfect to accompany an orgasm in the vulva. It's often the combination of the two that gives explosive orgasms. Great high
  • Screams, enjoyment, tears, expansion, laughter, being on a high.
  • Touches the clitoris via the G-spot from the inside
  • The pleasure of the male body is increased tenfold by the narrowness of the canal, which also increases the female orgasm through the connection.

Advice :

  • Prepare this region well with good foreplay, because dilation of the sphincter and anus takes time.

Obstacles :

  1. Hypersensitivity
  2. Pain
  3. Feeling like you have a bowel movement


Advice :

Urinating can help build orgasms and make them longer lasting and more intense, because you have an orgasm point in the urethra. To do this, you have to learn to let go and literally pee while the G-spot and CERVIX are stimulated.

To achieve this, you need to drink a lot of water.


The nipples are connected to the clitoris via energy channels, which exchange energy between the heart and the uterus (see sexuality training and tantra to better understand the energy loop), so stimulation can cause clitoris arousal and the entire genital area.

Advice :

Breast massage and heart opening postures in yofa can make breasts more sensitive, and therefore orgasms greater.

I also love this image that was produced during research on female orgasm:

This is an image that explains the four nerves and six pathways theory of female orgasm. It demonstrates that at least six systems of orgasmic reflex arcs operate during the development of female orgasm. The pudendal, pelvic, hypogastric, intercostal and vagus nerves constitute the main nerve network system. There are also at least two oxytocin pathway systems, with oxytocin functioning separately as a neurotransmitter and a hormone. During expanded orgasms and ESR orgasms, more than one "orgasmic reflex arc" is activated and triggers an expanded orgasm, while many others contribute to the formation of an EO or ESR orgasm.

Title: The Doors to Female Orgasm Consciousness: New Theories of the Peak Experience and Mechanisms of Female Orgasm and Expanded Sexual Response. JO - NeuroQuantology Source Summary - Although There are many forms of female orgasms described in the literature, there are still debates about the female orgasmic response, and no unified theory to explain these orgasmic reflexes and sexual responses has been proposed. Additionally, reports and comments on the "vaginal versus clitoral orgasm controversy" are conflicting. Recently, a new form of female orgasm has been called "Expanded Sexual Response" (ESR), and defined as follows: "being able to achieve lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained and/or orgasms state orgasms that last longer and are more intense than classic orgasm models defined in the literature. Expanded orgasms induce a different state of consciousness, or "orgasmic consciousness", while many forms of altered states of consciousness (EMC) can be observed. Numerous reports, from the data accumulated over the last decades on female orgasm and orgasmic consciousness, confirm the fact that "clitoral and vaginal orgasms are two distinct entities", while their unification can induce a stronger and more intense form. intense female orgasm, called "mixed orgasm". As we have hypothesized in our other publications, at least six orgasmic reflex pathways may participate in the development of clitoral, vaginal, mixed, single, or multiple orgasms, and expanded, enhanced, and prolonged ESR orgasms. The pudental, pelvic, hypogastric, and vagal nerves play a major role in the development of simple orgasm or ESR orgasm, and at least two oxytocin pathways may contribute. In the case of mixed orgasms, ESR orgasms and/or state orgasms, more than one "orgasm reflex arc pathway" may trigger orgasm at the same time, while d Other pathways play an additional role. We studied the ESR phenomenon using a specific ESR scale in a series of surveys of ESR women, comparing them with control groups, and we defined the main characteristics of the ESR phenomenon in human women . ESR women appear to have a higher libido, a greater frequency of masturbation, more erotic fantasies, stronger and more intense orgasms, prolonged or enlarged orgasms (OE); they also experience multiple clitoral, vaginal, and mixed orgasms separately, as well as a state orgasm. ESR women are also more aware of their bodies and their deep vaginal erogenous zones (DVZ), which include the internal clitoris, G-spot, A-spot, O-spot, PC muscles, and cervix. The “four nerves and six pathways theory of female orgasm” and the oxytocinergic system appear to explain the phenomenon of ESR.
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