I had a strange morning, not so easy, in which I had to adapt for the people I love.
Not easy: because it's not easy to admit that even if you feel like you're the best version of yourself and you do things from your heart, the action can have a ripple and consequences.
My pattern: I wear them out.
Indeed, I have often been criticized for not being too slow-preneur? But what does it actually mean to be a slow-preneur?
If I start from the definition of slow fashion, it is first and foremost a system of values, isn't it?
And not actions as such.
So what would be the values of a slow-preneur? Love, compassion, presence, listening, union, curiosity, awareness, mutual aid.
If that's it, I'm clearly one of the top champions of slow entrepreneurship.
On the other hand, if you look at my actions, I am clearly not really what the world calls “slow-preneur”. I'm fast. I was always fast. Talk to my parents🤣, they didn't know what to do with it. These are probably the first ones that I exhausted (but clearly entertained too). Next in the Claudine exhaustion list: my babysitters.
And live today in 2023, I am faced with the same thing again.
A pattern that repeats itself, but which is part of my own speed. I have definitely learned to slow down for the benefit of my relationships and I have seen the benefits. I owe it in large part to the circus which helped me calm my physical hyperactivity.
It's difficult today to see that I hurt my partners by pushing them to run the mountain with me, when he wanted to possibly walk it. I try to adapt a little more every day to be part of the gang, but it's difficult. I feel like I'm denaturing myself and my hyperactivity needs are not being met.
How do I adapt to the pace of others while going at my own pace?
Today, I like being chosen for my value system and not my actions. And let us remember that every action comes from my heart.
Psst: You can also ask my parents for the story of hearts. For 3 years, it's the only thing I know how to draw. Pi believe me, with my hyperactivity I drew it everywhere where it shouldn't.
My parents' phone number is:
77265-2528 (PRANK-CLAU)
Psst: this blog took me 4 minutes to write + 5 minutes to template. That's my own rhythm.